Understanding Faith To The Apostles of God
Faith in the Messenger of Allah, including the four pillars of the faith of the six pillars that must be believed by every Muslim. The meaning of the faith of the apostles is to believe wholeheartedly that the apostles are the ones who have been chosen by God Almighty. to receive revelation from Him to be conveyed to all mankind to be used as guidelines for life to gain happiness in the world and the Hereafter.
According to Imam Baidhawi, the Apostle is one sent from God Almighty. with a new shari'ah to call people to Him. While the prophet is a man sent from God Almighty. to set (running) Shari'a previous messengers. As an example that the prophet Moses was a prophet as well as messengers. But the prophet Aaron was a prophet, because he was not given a new Shari'ah. He just continued or help spread the shariah which Moses brought the United States.
Regarding the identity of the apostle to be read in Q.S. Al Anbiya verse 7 and verse 78 of Al-believers, which means: "We do not send messengers before thee (Muhammad) but some men that we gave revelation to them, but ask yourselves to the people of knowledge if you do not to know. "(Surah al-Anbiya: 7)
Faith in the Messenger of Allah, including the four pillars of the faith of the six pillars that must be believed by every Muslim. The meaning of the faith of the apostles is to believe wholeheartedly that the apostles are the ones who have been chosen by God Almighty. to receive revelation from Him to be conveyed to all mankind to be used as guidelines for life to gain happiness in the world and the Hereafter.
According to Imam Baidhawi, the Apostle is one sent from God Almighty. with a new shari'ah to call people to Him. While the prophet is a man sent from God Almighty. to set (running) Shari'a previous messengers. As an example that the prophet Moses was a prophet as well as messengers. But the prophet Aaron was a prophet, because he was not given a new Shari'ah. He just continued or help spread the shariah which Moses brought the United States.
Regarding the identity of the apostle to be read in Q.S. Al Anbiya verse 7 and verse 78 of Al-believers, which means: "We do not send messengers before thee (Muhammad) but some men that we gave revelation to them, but ask yourselves to the people of knowledge if you do not to know. "(Surah al-Anbiya: 7)
"And verily we sent some messenger before thee: of them there that we tell to you and among them some are not we tell you. It can not be for a messenger to bring a miracle, but by the permission of Allah, and when it comes command of God, it was decided (all cases) with the fair. And when the losers people who hold on to the vanity. "(Q. S. Al-Mukmin: 78)
nice blog......
dari syaria'ah ya....
aku tarbiyah,,,,
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