Islamic law
Islamic Sharia is Islamic law and the rules that govern all life aspects of humanity, whether Muslim or non Muslim. In addition to containing the laws and rules, Islamic Law also contains a problem solving throughout life. So by sebahagian adherents of Islam, Islamic Law is a comprehensive guide and complete all problems of human life and the life of this world.
Related to the orderly arrangement of Shari'ah, Al-Quran Surah Al Ahzab verse 36 teaches that if Allah and His Apostle have decided a case, then Muslims are not allowed to take other provisions. Therefore, it is implicitly understood that if there is a case that Allah and His Messenger has not set its requirements then Muslims can decide that its provisions. Understanding the meaning is supported by the verse in Surat Al Maidah Sura 5:101 which states that things are not explained its provisions already forgiven God.
Thus the case faced by Muslims in our lives to God beribadahnya it can be simplified into two categories, namely what is referred to as cases that are included in the category of Personality Principle 'and the cases that fall into the category Furu' Personality '.
Principle of Personality '
That is the case that already exist and clear provisions in the Qur'an or Al Hadith. Position as the principal Islamic Shari'ah which the Holy Quran is the First Principle of Personality 'and Al Hadith that the Second Principle of Personality'. Nature, essentially tying the Muslims all over the world wherever located, since the Prophet Muhammad's ministry until the end of time, except in emergencies.
Emergencies in terms of Islamic religion is defined as a state that allows Muslims do not obey Islamic law, is a state of forced or in circumstances that endanger the physical and spiritual self, and the circumstances are unexpected or unwanted before, as well as in take advantage of these circumstances are not excessive. If the emergency was over then immediately returned to the applicable provisions of Shari'ah.
Furu 'Personality'
That is the case with no or unclear provisions in the Qur'an and Al-Hadith. Position sebaga Branch Islamic Shari'ah. Its basically not binding on all Muslims in the world except the local government received accept as rules / laws in force in the territory of its power.
Cases or issues that fall into Furu 'Personality' is also referred to as case ijtihadiyah.
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